
Joanna Gaines' Rubber Band Painting Hack Is Incredibly Clever

According to HGTV star Joanna Gaines, being a designer and home renovator offers a variety of opportunities to get creative with a range of tools. From house renovations to design projects, the modern farmhouse diva has made painting projects much easier with her ingenious paintbrush hack that involves just one stretchy rubber band.

While painting typically causes a certain amount of drips and splatters, Gaines knows how to make the job more efficient without creating a mess. In a video presentation for Home, the crafty designer advised, "If you're like me, you hate getting paint all over the lip of this paint can." Paint often leaves a thick, sticky residue when dried, making it more difficult to close the lid securely when you're done using it. Gaines' resourceful rubber band method can prevent unwanted mess and excessive run-off while saving valuable paint from being wasted — Gaines shows us how to utilize every drop of paint from the brush to the can and back out again. Coated Damper

Joanna Gaines

Whether it's an accent wall or a small piece of furniture, painting can get messy. With Joanna Gaines' years of interior design experience, she's got a few paintbrush tricks up her flannel sleeves. The star's astute approach to a cleaner painting job is a simple process. "A trick that I have is stretching a rubber band around the entire can," she explains (via Home.) The rubber band should stretch directly across the widest part of the can. It's also a good idea to position your rubber band around the edges before opening the can, to avoid any spillage.

Depending on your project, most brushes will work well with this technique as long as they're not too wide to fit in the paint can. Gaines advises, "I recommend a collection of five sizes and shapes" (via Kilz.) This might include flat, angled, and detailing brushes, depending on the project at hand. In addition, you should choose brushes with different bristles depending on the type of paint you are using. Natural bristles, which are made from animal hair, are best for oil-based paints, whereas synthetic bristles made from nylon or polyester are recommended for water-based paints. When dipping your brush into the paint, you only need to soak it about a third of the way up for a clean and thorough application.

Once you've placed a suitable rubber band on your can of paint, Joanna Gaines advises, "when you dip your paintbrush, instead of wiping it around the edges, you wipe the excess paint on that rubber band," (via Home.) This cunning trick will remove any excess paint from the brush without covering the edge of the can or it dripping down the sides. As an added advantage, Gaines notes "when you go to shut it, the can is still in pristine condition," which allows the lid to fit firmly in place and prevents any mishaps during storage.

If you do need to save your paint for another time, store it in a cool, neutral place out of direct sunlight, which will allow the paint to stay fresh for up to five years or more. From conserving paint to keeping an immaculate lid, Joanna Gaines' clever rubber band trick is also effective on other airtight containers as well like glass and lidded mason jars.

Gaines has an additional tip for getting the most out of your paintbrush, especially if you need to put it down temporarily. "Simply get a grocery bag, put your brush in there with the paint on it, and then just make sure you get all the air out, get a rubber band and tie it up like a ponytail," she explains (via Kilz.) With this technique, you can keep your brush fresh and limber either for a few hours or a few days. 

Joanna Gaines

Waterproof Paint When your work with the paintbrush is finally concluded and you want to clean it, Gaines has another neat approach. "Use hot vinegar, then let the brushes soak for about twenty or thirty minutes" (via Kilz.) After this process, you can use a small comb or brush to remove any remaining paint and residue, then rinse it with warm, soapy water. Whatever painting project is ahead, be sure to have a stash of rubber bands, accurate paint brushes, and a few basic household items on hand just like Joanna Gaines would.